Sunday, December 30, 2012

Documentary[es]: corruption, cronyism and Opus Dei in the Kingdom of Navarre

Navarre has since its forced annexation to Castile, some 500 years ago, some notable self-rule, like the other Basque provinces. This self-rule was heavily shrunk in the 19th century but still retains its own fiscal autonomy, being in direct charge of the money of all the Navarrese and only paying a yearly tribute ("cupo") to Spain. This is in principle something good... but it all depends on who is in charge.

In the case of Navarre, since at least the fascist period, it has been corrupt politicians, often linked to that greedy destructive Catholic cult styled Opus Dei (God's Job in Latin). Together they have managed to suck once and again the wealth produced by the work of 600,000 Navarrese citizens into their bottomless pockets.

This documentary (produced by Ateak Ireki (Open the Gates) and Herri Ekimena (People's Action), the first of a trilogy, dwells in the depths of the way too many corruption scandals that have shattered the Old Kingdom (Spanish language):

Los trileros forales. 
¿Quién se ha llevado los dineros?
(The chartered thimblerigs. Who took the moneys?)

It does not deal yet with some of the greatest black holes of  Navarrese corruption: the hyper-controversial Itoitz Dam or the sudden loss of the Navarrese People of their public bank: Caja de Ahorros de Navarra, merged and remerged at loss for the private profit of the same power ring of fascist roots.  These matters will be dealt with in the planned future episodes. 

The documentary has been the last weeks projected town after town through much of Navarre, often more times than planned because of the massive public interest. More than 2000 copies have already been sold and the expectation is such that the authors have decided to release it freely (anti-copyright license) in the Internet.

Source: Ateak Ireki.

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