Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Basque Country: armed military police in civilian trains, scary

Members of the Spanish military police corps (Guardia Civil, similar to the French Gendarmerie or Italian Carabinieri but with much worse reputation) are these days traveling gratis in the railroad system. This is not the worse thing: it is that they go armed with submachine guns and quietly point their guns to civilians as if it was some sort of military occupation (alright, it is: a 800 years old one in fact).

The armed policemen board the train at an unknown location before reaching Gernika at 10:15 am and travel to Zugastieta (a rural parish not far away), where they find other police vehicles waiting for them. 

The public company Euskotren says that they cannot do anything because the Guardia Civil board the trains where and whenever they wish.

Source: Sare Antifaxista[es].

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