Saturday, March 16, 2013

Thousands march in Bilbao for a new social and economic model

Some 15,000 Basques have marched today through Bilbao in demand of a new economic and social model and against the Western Basque budget project (so far not looking like getting a Parliament pass and we are already three months overdue). The demo was called by most labor unions (LAB, ELA, ESK, STEE-EILAS, EHNE, Hiru, CGT-LKN and CNT). 

One of the greatest criticisms was the idea of the Government of financing the very contested High Speed Train project, even beyond what it was supposed to pay for initially. The Basque Government is negotiating with Madrid to pay the Spanish Government fraction (which this one does not intend to pay for) from the yearly tribute ("cupo") that we pay to them. Most citizens will agree that there are other priorities than pharaonic projects that serve no real purpose other than filling the pockets of their constructor clients (and their own under the rug). 

Near the end of the march some people organized a sit in before the see of the ruling (in minority) Basque Nationalist Party (right wing) but they were expelled by police with great violence. 

Source: Naiz Info[es].

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