Friday, August 15, 2014

Ukraine: napalm war crimes, Marinovka liberated and other news

Donetsk bombed with napalm

Kiev's Nazi Junta bombed the city of Donetsk with white phosphorus yesterday August 14th.

Euskal Herria - Donbas Elkartasun Komitea[es]

Marinovka liberated by the Militia


Interview in English with Borotba (Ukranian libertarian communists): They hate us because we are communists

Our organization now is under strong attack by the Kiev regime. One of our comrades, Andrej Brajevsky, was killed during the massacre in Odessa on May 2nd, many of our leaders are on a wanted-list of the government’s prosecution office, some leading comrades are still in Ukraine but they are working now under very dangerous conditions. Neo-Nazi gangs tried to kidnap Denis Levin and Svitlana Likht in Charkov[1].

All of our offices were destroyed and partly occupied by fascists. The so called National Guard, that was created from right-wing paramilitary forces from the Maidan and that is now the legal disguise for them, attacked our last office in Charkow.[2]

A few days ago our fellow activist Maria Matushenko was kidnapped from her apartment in Dnipropetrovsk. She was kidnapped by the secret police, who took all electronic devices of her family (two laptops, four cell phones, one tablet PC). Later she was released and fled the country. Other comrades have been arrested and tortured by the police in Charkow. Police officers tried to receive information about the whereabouts of our leading comrades. Many comrades have left their apartments in order not to get arrested.

At the moment we have no political democracy in our country, instead we are confronted with a civil war in Ukraine.

Nazis killed in battle

Twelve stormtroopers of the Nazi party Pravy Sektor (Right Sector) died under the Militias' gunfire after they attacked a control point near Donetsk. The Nazis arrived in an unidentified bus to the control point and attacked it killing one militiaman. The quick and effective response by his comrades nevertheless took the lives of twelve of the attackers (initially reported as seven)


Source: Webguerrillero[es]

Astronauts show their solidarity with the Novorossian antifascists

Not sure where this picture was taken but it's probably the International Space Station:

Source: Euskal Herria - Donbas Elkartasun Komitea

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